Curriculum Policy

In this program, by setting physical education, sport, health and coaching as keywords, students shall work on various problems relating to human body and exercise, its culture and environment, and additionally mental and physical adjustment in an interdisciplinary way. For this purpose, there are as many as 39 complex research areas to understand specialized knowledge and methodology in cultural sciences, social science and natura science as basic sciences or in many academic areas (philosophy, ethics, historical science, anthropology, pedagogy, sociology, jurisprudence, economics, business administration, psychology, physics, engineering science, medical science, chemistry, biology and statistics).
Additionally, while each research area provides subject registration model in six systems while collaborating with each other, in order to develop competent knowledge/specialized knowledge/ethical view/research ability/practical ability/ability to lead, all the members centering on full-time teachers shall participate in education/research supervision. Furthermore, eff orts shall be made to connect mainly with Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (D), Doctoral Program in Sport Medicine (D), Doctoral Program in Coaching Science (D) etc. regarding research instruction contents.

Curriculum organization policy

  • In order to secure diploma policy of this Master’s Degree Program, the subjects shall be divided into three categories of Major Subjects, Foundation Subjects for Major and General Foundation Subjects. The groups of subjects corresponding to each subject category shall be as follows:“ boundary subjects”,“ area-specific subjects, research basic subjects”, “relevant area-specific subjects, Graduate General Education Courses, Interdisciplinary Foundation Courses”.
  • In order to acquire specialized knowledge and an ability to see from a higher perspective/to lead, and also to correspond to a broad scope of work of this Degree Program (demand
    for human resources), the following six systems shall be established: 1) Sport Culture, Management and Politics, 2) Health and Sport Education, 3) Health and Fitness, 4) Athletic Conditioning, 5) Sport Coaching and 6) National Leading Coach Development.
  • ”Thesis Supervision” shall be performed in the following 39 research areas: Philosophy of PE and Sport, History of PE and Sport Anthropology, Sport Sociology, Theory of Budo, Management of PE and Sport, Sport Policy, Sport Industry, Sport Pedagogy, Theory of Adapted PE and Sport, Sport Psychology, Health Education, Environmental Health, Sport Physiology, Sport Biochemistry, Sport Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Health and Fitness for Active Living, Measurement and Evaluation of Sport, Sport Medicine for Wellness, Sport Medicine for Motor System, Sport Biomechanics, Applied Anatomy, General theory of Coaching and Training, Theory of Movement, Coaching in Gymnastics, Coaching in Sport Gymnastics, Coaching in Track & Field, Coaching in Swimming, Coaching in Basketball, Coaching in volleyball, Coaching in Handball, Coaching in Soccer, Coaching in Rugby, Coaching in Racket and Bat Sports, Coaching in Judo, Coaching in Kendo, Coaching in Kyudo, Outdoor Pursuits and Education, and Coaching in Dance Studies.
  • By boundary subjects, the specialized knowledge and a basic ability as a researcher shall be acquired.
  • By area-specific subjects, specialized knowledge and an ability to solve problems/an ability to lead shall be acquired.
  • By research methodology of research basic subject, basic knowledge and a broad perspective, ethical view, competent knowledge and basic research method shall be acquired. Furthermore, in addition to Graduate General Education Courses (especially, the group of subjects such as training of international character etc.), The practicum focusing on discussion of Problem-based Learning type, an ability to understand and communication skills as highly specialized professionals and researchers and international character shall be acquired.
  • For the purpose of smooth connection in education/research supervision contents with Doctoral Degree Program, each area-specific subject shall be arranged while taking curriculum into consideration: regarding the area 1) to 3), mainly Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (D), the area 3) to 4), mainly Doctoral Program in Sport Medicine (D), the area 5) to 6), Doctoral Program in Coaching Science (D). Additionally, the students who desire to advance to the Doctoral Degree Course, in order to acquire a broad relevant knowledge while they learn in the Master’s Degree Course, it shall be recommended that they take Graduate General Education Courses, Inter-disciplinary Foundation Courses.
  • As formation of career path, through the following recommendation, this course shall allow students to acquire practical ability to promptly and accurately correspond to on-site
    needs: completion of the subjects to be able to acquire specialized certificate and practical training subjects established by PE center for the persons who desire to become PE
    teachers, completion of internship and Graduate General Education Courses (subject group such as career management etc.) for the ones who desire to be employed in
    companies/government agencies and to become coaches, and completion of subjects for international character specialized in English necessary for explanation and coaching of Japanese culture for the ones who desire to become the coaches of international level.

Learning methods・Processes

  • Students shall acquire 30 or more credits in total from the designated scope of each group of subjects in“ Major Subjects” (6 to 8 credits)“, Foundation Subjects for Major” (13 to 23 credits) and“ General Foundation Subjects” (0 to 6 credit).
  • By selecting one system from 6 systems, students shall acquire knowledge and skills required for highly specialized professional in specific scope.
  • Students shall create master’s thesis by belonging to any of 39 research areas.

Evaluation of learning outcomes

  • To acquire 30 or more credits in total of the subjects in which the achievement items of stages are evaluated in each practicum and research methodology.
  • To pass in interim reporting in the second year.
  • To pass examination for master’s thesis.
  • To pass final examination.

Diploma Policy

Competencies specified in diploma policy Evaluation perspective
1. Knowledge application competence: Ability to contribute to society with advanced knowledge ① Can you apply knowledge gained through research and other activities in society?
② Can you identify new problems, even in other fields of expertise, based on broad knowledge?
2. Management competence: Ability to appropriately address challenges from broad standpoints ① Can you take on major tasks with systematic planning?
② Can you understand and solve problems from multiple perspectives?
3. Communication competence: Ability to accurately and clearly communicate expert knowledge ① Are you capable of efficient communication for research purposes?
② Can you discuss research or research-specific knowledge with experts from your own field and from other fields?
4. Teamwork competence: Ability to work with a team and actively contribute to the achievement of goals ① Do you have experience cooperatively and actively working on challenges as part of a team?
② Have you helped promote projects and activities other than your own research?
5. Internationality competence: Willingness to contribute to international society ① Are you aware of making contributions to international society and getting involved in international activities?
② Have you obtained the linguistic skills necessary for international information collection and action?
6. Research ability: basic knowledge and skills to set research tasks in physical education/sport/health/ coaching areas and research plan. ① If having acquired basic knowledge in order to set research tasks.
② If having acquired basic skills in order to carry out research plan.
7. Specialized knowledge: highly specialized knowledge in physical education/sport/health/coaching areas. ① If capable of practically utilize specialized knowledge relating to physical education/sport/health/coaching areas in educational sites and coaching sites.
8. Practical ability : practical command of specialized knowledge in physical education/
sport/health/coaching areas.
① If having acquired basic and specialized knowledge relating to physical education/sport/health/coaching areas.
9. Ethical view: ethical knowledge and ethical view appropriate for the human resources or highly specialized professionals who have basic research ability in physical education/sport/health/coaching areas. ① If having ethical knowledge appropriate for the human resources who have
basic research ability.
② If having ethical view appropriate for highly specialized professionals.

Dissertation evaluation criteria

After satisfying the requirements prescribed in School Regulations of Tsukuba University, the doctoral thesis shall be approved as valid regarding the following evaluation items and judged as a pass in final examination.
(Evaluation items)
The examination committee for master’s thesis established in order to implement examination of master’s thesis etc. shall be composed of one chief examiner and two or more sub examiners.
1. The chief examiner shall be the supervisor of the said master’s degree program.
2. The chief examiner and sub chief examiner(s) shall have the master’s degree or more; provided that the sub chief
examiner who do not have the master’s degree or more may be allowed as an exception.
3. In the sub chief examiners, two Graduate School members shall be included. If necessary, it is possible to add the person fit as a sub examiner from outside Graduate School approved by educational conference of the said Degree Program.
4. The number of the person fit as a sub examiner from outside Graduate School shall not exceed the one of the chief examiner and sub examiner selected from the Graduate School.
(Evaluation items)
1. Based on understanding of research trend in and outside Japan preceding research in relevant area, the significance and positioning of the said research in Physical education area is clearly described.
2. Right amount of original research outcomes that contribute to development of Physical education area is contained as master’s thesis.
3. Reliability of research outcomes have been sufficiently verified based on sufficient knowledge regarding research integrity.
4. Consideration for the research outcomes is reasonable and their conclusions are based on objective grounds.
5. Background, purpose, method, results and conclusions etc. of the research shall be summarized in an appropriate form as master’s thesis of the said area.